This blog will present Robin Edgar's "vision" for Montreal. The poet Irving Layton once said, "I love Montreal. I love the clash of the two cultures. I love the scenery. I love every blessed centimetre of Montreal." My sentiments. . . almost. This blog will post photographs of Montreal that show it in all its blessed beauty but it will also show photos that expose the ugliness of certain unblessed centimetres of Montreal in the hope of inspiring Montrealers to make them blessed once again. . .
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Dowth's "Stone Of The Seven Suns" Rayed Sun Symbols Depict Total Solar Eclipses Hypothesis Videos
I am embedding three YouTube videos that I recorded earlier today in which I read out loud my Eclipsology hypothesis to the effect that the rayed sun symbol petroglyphs carved into Dowth's "Stone Of The Seven Suns" were inspired by, and quite accurately depict, one or more total solar eclipses that took place above Ireland's Boyne Valley more than 5 millennia ago.